Thursday, January 19 2012, 3:30pm Woodard <a href="">NC State University</a> Statistics 311 at NCSU is a large introductory course that serves over 700 students per semester. In this talk I will present the results of a redesign that transformed this course in a hybrid format. This project converted two of the three hours of student contact to an online format. Students still come together one day a week to participate in discussions where an instructor teaches them the important ideas and concepts. During this time students also participate in group activities that illustrate key ideas. The online component of the course incorporates narrated presentations of slides and animations along with interactive content. During these presentations students are asked to answer questions and give feedback to make it a true interactive presentation. These presentations are broken into 10 to 15 minute segments that students can do at anytime that fits their schedule. The presentations also incorporate branched quizzing in which students answer questions over prerequisite material. If the students are able to successfully complete these quizzes the system automatically jumps them past material that they already understand, giving the students a personalized experience.